Friday, November 8, 2013

Bangkok has him

Its done.  We did it.  We arrived and thrived in Bangkok. The Venice of the East, The Big Mango, The Bangers...

However, I've got an eerie feeling that things aren't the same anymore.

You kind of get that strange feeling that your not in Kansas anymore when Ronnie Mcdonnie is greeting you at the airport and it doesn't quite feel right.

We got ourselves setup with a really nice apartment in Ekkamai, which is actually the Japan town of Bangkok.  We set ourselves down to have our first night out and a  frosty beer.  This is not a vertically challenged thai woman, but a 12 year old girl pouring me a cold one. I had to explain to her not to put much foam on the top to pour the perfect beer.

LOD and I are always travelling and working, so we needed some extra help to get the house chores done.  When we asked our housekeeper Lehk if she could make us a thai dinner once a week, she got so excited and now sends my wife regular food porn photos on her cell phone.

We tried going to one of the vacation islands for a weekend island to stay at a beach resort.  The beaches were over-run by a zillion russian girls doing 1980's sports illustrated swimsuit edition poses in '1001 Arabian Nights' swimwear.  The Russian Harem Kitsche picture session started to drip feed in the morning but by the mid afternoon I felt like I was on a photo shoot for the Russian remake of 'I dream of Genie meets Baywatch'.

I didn't have the balls to take their photo so I had to rip off the photos from this website to capture the true essence of the experience (and yes, this shit's for real

So that's it for now folks.  We are landed, healthy, and happy.  All the best to you.

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